We recognise that the challenge of acquiring adequate placebos is considerable, whether it be matching a placebo or making an active comparator.
Placebo matching is a key aspect of pharmacological research, and we offer extensive, rapid and cost-effective services in the field of placebo manufacturing. We fully understand that if you are looking for a placebo to parallel your product, or designing a trial dose that matches an existing comparator, getting a good match can be challenging.
Eramol supports the scientific credibility of your clinical trial, helping you maintain the integrity of your blinded study design in a number of ways including:
The manufacturing facility & equipment has been designed for small scale and large scale batch production to accommodate early phase and late phase clinical trials.
All manufacturing is performed in new state of the art cleanroom facilities using validated pharmaceutical-grade equipment.
Over-encapsulation is a blinding methodology that involves hiding a tablet or capsule inside an opaque capsule shell (often involving the addition of a backfilled excipient to prevent rattling), so that the contents are concealed, creating products that are visually identical.
Our placebo matching capabilities extend to providing liquid solutions for your blinded trial designs.