Coming in out of the cold: Temperature-controlled shipments.
Eramol provides controlled ambient, cold chain and frozen storage facilities with an array of temperature options that range from -80C to 15-25C.
To ensure the efficient and cost-effective delivery of goods, we work with specialist couriers to manage global temperature-controlled shipments. These invariably incorporate local depot storage and distribution operations. Temperature verification is available for all site shipments.
Furthermore, we also engage validated transportation shippers for small site and pallet shipments, as well as temperature-controlled vehicle shipments for UK and EU transportations.
Finally, Eramol operates secure, dedicated shipments for Schedule 1 to 5 controlled substances.
Placebo matching is a key aspect of pharmacological research, and we offer extensive, rapid and cost-effective services in the field of placebo manufacturing. We fully understand that if you are looking for a placebo to parallel your product, or designing a trial dose that matches an existing comparator, getting a good match can be challenging.
Eramol’s manufacturing authorisations include EU and UK importation and can act as the physical site of importation for products manufactured further afield, across the globe.
QP releases ensure that batches are released with the appropriate communications, data and regulations for their destination country.