Storage | Eramol
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Taking a chilled approach to storage

Eramol’s clients set great store by our ability to offer State-of-the-Art clinical storage, retaining their goods with us in optimal conditions throughout the product’s lifecycle.

Once a drug has been developed, it needs to be kept in perfect conditions prior to shipment. Our in-house logistics specialists ensure that no matter how long you need us to hold your goods, products remain stable, prior to distribution.

Eramol currently serves as the UK, EU and Global IMP distribution hub for several international clients. We boast storage and distribution facilities providing controlled ambient, cold chain and frozen storage areas with temperature ranges that include: 15-25°C, 2-8°C -20°C, and -80°C. Our service supports:

  • IVRS/IWRS support and integration;
  • Fully owned GMP certified storage depots in UK & Ireland
  • Local storage depots via approved Eramol partners in Austria, Spain, Australia, Brazil, USA and Canada offering additional global distribution options
  • A wide range of approved couriers provide same day, direct, next day and cold chain shipments
  • Validated temperature shipper containers
  • The management of all IMP returns and destruction
  • A 24/7 emergency logistics contact to all clients in order to manage any unexpected distribution issues during the study. 

Direct-to-patient supply and the management of controlled narcotics/substances
Eramol has an approved courier who manages all direct-to-patient supplies across the UK and EU. We are also authorised for controlled drug and narcotic storage and distribution, including the handling of Schedule 1 - 5 controlled substances.

Additionally, we manage importation and exportation licenses and have considerable experience in the importation, exportation and storage of medical cannabis (THC/CBD) and hallucinogenic products.

. Our service supports:

  • IVRS/IWRS support and integration;
  • Fully owned GMP certified storage depots in UK & Ireland
  • Local storage depots via approved Eramol partners in Austria, Spain, Australia, Brazil, USA and Canada offering additional global distribution options
  • A wide range of approved couriers provide same day, direct, next day and cold chain shipments
  • Validated temperature shipper containers
  • The management of all IMP returns and destruction
  • A 24/7 emergency logistics contact to all clients in order to manage any unexpected distribution issues during the study. 

Direct-to-patient supply and the management of controlled narcotics/substances
Eramol has an approved courier who manages all direct-to-patient supplies across the UK and EU. We are also authorised for controlled drug and narcotic storage and distribution, including the handling of Schedule 1 - 5 controlled substances.

Additionally, we manage importation and exportation licenses and have considerable experience in the importation, exportation and storage of medical cannabis (THC/CBD) and hallucinogenic products.

More Services

Placebo manufacturing

Placebo manufacturing

Placebo matching is a key aspect of pharmacological research, and we offer extensive, rapid and cost-effective services in the field of placebo manufacturing. We fully understand that if you are looking for a placebo to parallel your product, or designing a trial dose that matches an existing comparator, getting a good match can be challenging.

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EU & UK Importation

EU & UK Importation

Eramol’s manufacturing authorisations include EU and UK importation and can act as the physical site of importation for products manufactured further afield, across the globe.

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EU & UK QP Release

EU & UK QP Release

QP releases ensure that batches are released with the appropriate communications, data and regulations for their destination country.

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