Pre-GMP formulation | Eramol
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Pre-GMP formulation

Pre-GMP formulation services

Eramol provides a comprehensive pre-formulation service with GMP sample production for pre-clinical trial materials. Formulations are rigorously tested and released ready for transfer to study teams.

Pre-GMP formulation services include:

  • Rapid formulation studies using existing platform formulations
  • De-formulation studies to reverse engineer well established commercial formulations
  • Liquid and solid dose formulation and pilot scale manufacturing
  • Analytical method development
Pre-GMP Formulation Image

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Placebo manufacturing

Placebo manufacturing

Placebo matching is a key aspect of pharmacological research, and we offer extensive, rapid and cost-effective services in the field of placebo manufacturing. We fully understand that if you are looking for a placebo to parallel your product, or designing a trial dose that matches an existing comparator, getting a good match can be challenging.

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EU & UK Importation

EU & UK Importation

Eramol’s manufacturing authorisations include EU and UK importation and can act as the physical site of importation for products manufactured further afield, across the globe.

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EU & UK QP Release

EU & UK QP Release

QP releases ensure that batches are released with the appropriate communications, data and regulations for their destination country.

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